Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stucco and Ducks

For fear of jinxing this weather, it has been another in a long series of beeeeeeeeeeeautiful days here in the northwooods. The only downside is that we haven't had any rain since September 8 and things are dangerously dry.

But the work on the house proceeds steadily. Below you can see that the stucco base has been applied and is ready for the actual mud.

The stucco run spans the back of the house.

And the metal roof has been applied to the north side of the garage and a portion of the south.

A closeup of the stucco base is shown below. Hey! I remember staining that board.

Of course I must add the obligatory Northwoods nature shot--this on Highway D on the way to Hazelhurst.

Last weekend was the opening of duck hunting season, inaugurated with the youth hunt. Emma was traumatized. She was so shook, her teeth were chattering for some time.
This weekend the duck hunt begins in earnest. Lawn chairs will emerge, pontoon boats equipped with radios and beer and guns. All manner of looney behavior will be exhibited.
And guns will blast loudly.
So we're taking off for Duluth with Emma for the weekend. Maybe things will calm down by Sunday evening.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!

    Stucco really works well with a great durability and elegant look.

