Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Progressives in the House

After a quick trip to Madison, we gathered up Emma, anxious to see the progress the guys made today. And what progress there was.

The scaffolding was installed so that the exterior plywood and Tyvek could be put in place.

and remains in place so that the windows that arrived today can be installed.

It makes the view out the living room a little funny, but the yellow haze had a nice effect indoors.

And in other arrivals, these big honkin' cedar posts came to support the roofs over the front porch and the Martin porch.


  1. Hey Fancy! Just stumbled upon this blog- Love the way the new house is looking! I'll probably have to swing by next summer to see if the pancakes are still as good :)

  2. Oh, they're as good. But not as good as cubes of fat in lard. mmmmmmmmmm

  3. That's "cubes of fat in broth" lard head.
    Who made the windows?

