And we needed it today, too.
In about 21.8 hours we went from summer, skipped autumn and are in the early stages of winter. At least it feels like it.
This sudden and unwelcome change was accompanied by fierce winds, a deluge of biblical proportions, and stuff roiling through the air.
Did it deter the duck hunters? In a word, no.
Ann had a gathering of the Inalienables and we all we glued to the windows watching the stuff march across the marsh. We were enthralled. (When I say 'we' that doesn't include Emma. She was anything but enthralled; more like scared spitless.)
I have always wanted a house where I could be out in the weather and stay dry. With these big overhangs and the large front porch, my wishes were realized.
I tried to capture the force of the water coming off the roof, but had to stick my head out in the rain to capture it, but only succeeded in soaking it; my head that is.
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