Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Latest Poop

The hookups for the radiant floor heating are installed. I looked (stared) at this system for at least 15 minutes yesterday trying to figure it out. I'm still not certain that I understand it. But I'm certain that Ann had the all-time best reaction to seeing this.

"My, isn't the red pretty?"

Here's a look from the ground floor looking up the staircase. I'm still considering putting the cat box under the stairs, but am given pause when it comes to reaching in and cleaning it out.

The guest room is not ready for guests, but is acting like it.
The staining crew was hard at work again today. (Pics tomorrow). With the heat and lights on it was good to be back and working on something productive. We have a whole lotta staining left to do and just ran out of stain today. So we'll have some shipped next week and bend to it.
The kitchen is going to be laden with beams and these are some big honkin' beams. One of them looks to be about a quarter mile long. So we'll need lots of stain I'm afraid.
Apropos of nothing (except the title): I often was asked to attend conferences in Washington, DC and reported on the discussions.
Once when I returned I was introduced as 'the poop from Washington.'

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