Thursday, February 4, 2010

Water's On! (And Just in Time)

An explanation after the following update from last night--

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The counter top that Dan was working on is complete and the back splash is ready for grout.

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And on the opposite side, the stove is ready for insertion.

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The island stands ready for someone to lean on it.

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And/or to pour drinks from.

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And the window sill is ready for an herb garden.

But the big news of the day is that Marc the Plumber has notified us that the water is hooked up and ready to go. This news comes just in time for two reasons: (1) since my upper respiratory infection (as they say in medical circles), I haven't taken a shower since Monday. I have noticed lately that people tend to back away from me when I talk. My olfactory sense must be failing me as well.

But more importantly (2) WE'VE BEEN EVICTED! This is very surprising and not particularly unpleasant notice was given to Ann attending a wake for a mutual friend. Our landlord sold this dump errr place much to our amazement. I think I can hear bulldozers idling as I key this in. We have to be out by March 19. When notified of our eviction to the guy whose house 4774 currently belongs, Bob the Builder, in his outspoken and extremely expressive manner, said, 'No problem.'

So running water and a date by which we have to be in. It's quite heady.

Bob will be working tomorrow on finishing up a couple of things. Tim is coming next week to finish the walls and the appliances should be hooked up by next Friday.

I think it's going to be a hootenanny.

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