To this:
Virtually overnight.
Here's how it happened:
Dennis steadies the cross beam while Jay (l) and Bob (r) position the vertical posts.
Jay and Bob attach the beams to the island.
Dennis, once again, does the heavy lifting while Jay and Bob get ready to screw the third cross beam into place.
Jay tightens things up and makes certain they're square. Marc flashes gang signs to Perry.
In other news, the powder room vanity made its way into the powder room.
And the guest vanity is in place.
And stuff is going on outside too. It's really cold.
So let the countdown begin! Here's ten, make that eleven, nope twelve, OK, a baker's dozen things needed to complete the job. (We have to count up before we count down.)
In no particular order, they are:
13. Cabinets from original house re-installed.
12. Gas fireplace installed. (late February)
11. Molding installed.
10. Stairs and railing installed.
9. Plumbing fixtures installed.
8. Appliances delivered and installed. (February 20 plus or minus)
7. Flooring completed.
6. Countertops installed. (by February 3)
5. Electric fixtures installed.
4. Glass installed in deck railings.
3. Ground floor ceiling installed.
2. Solar tank installed. (mid-February)
1. Erth clay walls finished. (mid-February)
And about a hundred different little things that I'm not counting. That sounds like a lot of work and it is, but it feels a lot closer to being done than it did last week.
kind of like waiting for that first egg to drop.. what are you planning on doing with all the " House Beautiful" photographers swarming the grounds?