Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Day; Another Step Toward Completion

We received a photo of the master bathroom sink from our local manufacturer, which we understand will be installed this weekend. The countertop is made up of at least 70% recycled content. (Rich tells us that when people view some of his products, they often recognize the pieces of glass that he has scrounged from the Oneida County Landfill. We anticipate seeing our former wine bottles.)

In keeping with the fact that everyone around here has at least two jobs, Rich does these things on the side. See his website at or click here.

In his other life he works at the local paper company where he is a union rep. (My kind of guy.)

In any case what you might see taking place is our disinterest in resale value. Our plans are to stay in this house forever and we're designing it in a way that pleases us. Any criticisms will be met with demands for partial mortgage payments (or full mortgage payments if the criticism is severe).

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