Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nuts and Bolts (and Therms and Kilowatts)

We have had some big days here at Houthpith--days with workers swarming everywhere jabberjawing at one another; days with gigantic, noisy machines doing huge things; days where the progress on the house is readily observable, and days where something cool was installed.

And I must confess here and now that, while I have been involved in the house design, Charlie and Ann have done the heavy lifting.

And I also must confess that the nuts and bolts of the place are what intrigue me most, even if I don't understand it all (see any entry on the heating system). And it's nice to plan to implement something in theory that will work. I say 'in theory' here because while others may have experience in these matters, I don't.

So this is a long way of saying that one of those theories, namely heat retention, has produced objective results.

The bill for gas and electric has arrived for the dates from November 17 to December 17. Last year we spent approximately $525 on propane and $212 for electric for a total of $737, for the same time period.

This year we had some windows partially open, some doors that blew open overnight, compressors, and saws, and things operating--not to mention the heating of the chicken coop with heat lamps and space heaters.

And while the solar panels are installed, they are not yet connected.

And the monthly bill for both gas and electric came to--get this--$171.

To quote Meriwether Lewis (or was it Clark?)--"O the Joy!"

1 comment:

  1. Must be the ambient heat provided by all the staining and varnishing action. This house is turning into a money fountain instead of a money pit.

