Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brainstorm and Rainstorm

As Ann supervised the placement of the garage trusses, she noticed that they were spacious enough to hold stuff, specifically canoes and kayaks and skiffs. As she pondered this, she thought of barn doors with an arm that extends out and sometimes has a winch or a pulley for hoisting hay.

So she said, "Hay!" "Hey!!!"

The next thing I know, she's on the phone with Charlie, after consulting with Bob, and Charlie says that it would take nothing to do that.

Bob loans Ann his trusty measuring tape; Ann hops down to the shed to measure the base of the canoes and next thing I know, we have a barn door, or at least the opening for one.

Unfortunately I don't have a picture yet of the new barn door opening because the 40 year flood was about to happen and we (Ann, Emma and I) found ourselves huddled inside the garage, while the Toaster was left to fend for itself.

But before the storm hit I managed to click off a couple of snaps of the basement walls and drain

1 comment:

  1. Good thinking Ann. I'll hoist a glass to honor your hoist idea.
    looking fwd to next weekend. Em and Brent are probable maybes.

