Monday, March 8, 2010

If the Doorbell is On . . .

. . . we must be getting close.

In fact the place was crowded again today with Bob the Builder and Brian the Electrician here. But the fireplace guys installed the gas stove so their truck and trailer were there,

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and Alanna and her sister, Lisa were doing cleanup duty.

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Alanna determines which end is the business end of the vacuum.

Brian is nearing the finish line as well with almost all the exterior lights up and running.
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I almost forgot! There was one more visitor today--the building inspector. And we can move in!!!!!! Ann took a shower tonight while I gawked around. We'll move the bed in tomorrow (somehow) and the rest of the stuff over time.

And finally, the doorbell is in.

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1 comment:

    Very excited for you both.
    Can't wait to ring your bell and hang my hat on the elephants trunk.

