Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Heat is On (Sung to the tune of The Heat is On)

As Emma and I were rounding out of the final turn this morning, we noticed a light colored smoke coming from the back of the house. At first I thought Jay was cutting stone, but as we drew closer it was clear that something else was afoot.

Could it be? Exhaust heat? Yup the boiler is boiling and radiant floors are radiatin'. And even better the boiler is virtually noiseless.

I decided to stay all day and stain. (Is this what they mean by suSTAINability?)

And not only the floors proved wonderful, but Bob is busy installing the kitchen cabs, so that the cabinets are . . . uhhh cabbing?


  1. Please comment on the 'feel' of radiant heat

  2. In the winter my feet get cold with baseboard heat whether or not it's forced air or radiator. This heat, while it rises, it rises through my feet giving a sense of warmth everywhere. The thermostat was set at 60 and maybe it's not calibrated, but I had to open the windows today. Two thumbs up and five stars to this system.

