Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29 meeting

Today's meeting with Charlie brought some visualization and a first look at his preliminary designs.  He also supplied a software program to look out the work and communicate ideas via email.

Our first attempt was to build on the same exact footprint of the current house.  As you can see from the capture below, some things look the same; some quite strikingly different.

The views are based upon the interior layout in part.  And after viewing from several angles, we made some suggestions for things to implement.  For example, we are elminating the chimney, both as an energy eater as well as a space eater.

So future shots will not include a chimney.

It's also possible for Charlie to change anything including rooflines.

And this is what the house would look like without any changes, from the marsh.

Not everything is in place (ex--Doors on the basement wall.), but after more refinement you'll have a better feel for what we are attempting.
If you have some thoughts or reactions or suggestions, kindly email them to me and we will bat them around.

The reality of this hits everytime we talk about it, but none moreso than seeing pictures.  And since I've done this before up in Mercer I have expected the rollercoaster effect with emotions running hot and cold.  Ann and I have a good balance.  Lately I've been hot while she's cool.

But at this very moment I'm the one with cold feet.  Fortunately for her, she's working, but when she gets home, we'll see.

I think what gives me the chills is the thought of living somewhere else during construction.

I've already approached Mom about moving in with her, now that she is done with jury duty.  My thoughts were that the dogs could sleep with her; the cat with dog and the birds could just fly around pooping where they please.

I sensed a little hesitancy (I think her exact words were, "Are you out of your mind?") so we may have to go to Plan B--bribery.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday's Meeting with Charlie

We had pretty much decided where to build a new place--up the hill, near the other structures, out of the wind (let me make the bold, out of the wind), when he called to say that upon researching the rules with the county, we can pretty much do what we want where we are.

This news sent us into a tailspin, opening up an option we thought had disappeared.  So we met this morning with all options open and took a tour of the sites we are considering.  They are shown below.

We ended up with sticking with our current location, the view (and the sounds and the smells, as well as easy access to the well and the septic) being too tough to give up.  The caveat is that we want to know what the county's regs are--do we have to build within the current footprint?  If not, how/where can we go outside?

We also talked with Charlie about what it is we want in a house.  This is the tough part.  Ann, bless her heart, pondered long and hard about what it means to 'give up' her ancestral home.  She thought about what her father might say, and decided that he would say, 'It's only a house.'

But specifics?  Not only had Ann and I only talked about general wants/needs/wishes/dreams, we hadn't been forced to agree on anything specifically.  Charlie wants us to clip pictures and put them on a story board.

We left things that he would re-check with the county and begin some design that we could pick apart.

We're excited and scared.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Beginning

It's funny what happens when you decide to build a new house. As if it's a jilted lover, our old house just starts falling apart. In the past week, light bulbs ceased to work; the dishwasher became unscrewed and tips out of its cubicle when dishes are loaded; light fixtures stopped working; windows won't close; windows won't open; and fuses pop. That was just in the last few days.

Who knows what will happen when we meet with the builder on Friday.

Plan watch--Our current plan is to build up the hill and remodel the current house into a guest house/office.

More details Friday.
